domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

L16. Epidermis cells

On Monday 2nd of March we did two experiments using the microscope, and now i'm going to explain the first one. The objective of this experiment was to identify the shape of epidermis cells, and to identify and explore the part of the stoma and see how it changes its shape when we add salt water.The pores open to facilitate uptake of carbon dioxide and close to limit the loss of water


-Cover slip 
-Tap water
-10% salt water
-Dropeper -Scissors


1-First we cut the stalk of the leek and pulled out the transparent part of the epidermis using forceps.
2-Then we placed the peel into the slide containing a drop of tap water (so the cells don't die) .
3-Next we took a cover slip and placed it gently on the peel with the aid of a needle.
4-We viewed it in the microscope and took pictures of it.
5-Then we prepared a 10% salt solution and put the solution with a dropper on the left part of the slide (so it touched the cover slip) and placed a piece of cellulose paper in the opposite side of the cover slip to let the dissolution go through the sample.
6-Finally we looked through the microscope once more and took more pictures.

Results and observations:  
When we first saw the cell we noticed the characteristic shape of a plant cell, a geometric one, a squareand the cell wall. Then we looked closer at it and saw the stomas: they were open. Stoma opens when the guard cells are turgid, when the water potential of the cells adjacent to the guard cells are higher than that in the cell sap of the guard cells and the water molecules from the adjacent cells move into the guard cells by osmosis. The opening of the stoma is an advantage because it allows gaseous exchange to take place.
Then we added salt water and took a second look. Now the stomas were closed because the adjacent cells were hypertonic and the guard cells hypotonic so the water molecules moved out of the guard cells into the adjacent cells by osmosis. When this happens, the guard cells become plasmolysed which in turn causes the stoma to close.


1- What is the major function of a cell membrane?
The membrane is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of substances in and out of cells. Also it protects the cell from its surroundings.

2- What is the major function of the cell wall?
It surrounds the cell membrane and provides structural support and protection to it. Also it acts as a filtering mechanism and as a pressure vessel, preventing over-expansion when water enters the cell.

3-How does salt affect the cells shapes? And the stomes?
I explained it earlier.


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